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Brushes and Bunnies Art Using Chalk Markers

  • 2 min read

Chalkola Chalk Markers Meets Brushes and Bunnies | Chalkola Art Supply

Ann-Elizabeth is an artist and art teacher from Toronto, Canada who is based in Berlin, Germany.  She works with mixed media and loves discovering different materials and techniques for her art.  Her specialty is pet portraits and she enjoys teaching others online through her YouTube channel, Brushes and Bunnies.

Supplies Required:

All you need is a:
  • Chalkola chalk markers
  • Old chalkoboard
  • HB Pencil
Ann-Elizabeth decided to use a bunny portrait to demonstrate Chalkola Chalk Markers. old chalkboard She found an old chalkboard and began her artwork by tracing an outline with an HB pencil. general outline Once she’s finished making a general outline of the portrait it’s time to choose her colors and which type of markers she prefers. Platinum series jumbo chalk marker She really likes the Platinum series jumbo chalk markers with the 3 in 1 chisel tips.  She decides to use those for most of the creation. white jumbo chalk marker Ann-Elizabeth starts with the white jumbo chalk marker, coloring in the bunny’s ears and head. regular-sized chalk markers She uses the regular-sized chalk markers for finer details like the eyes. blue chalk marker To give the fur more depth and texture she layers it using a blue chalk marker atop the white. background color Blue also comprises the background color.  Ann-Elizabeth loves the way that Chalkola markers blend together and layer to create the effects she wants. bunny look Her shading and layering blue upon white makes the bunny look very realistic. lettering She adds lettering to the portrait with the regular-sized chalk markers. hearts A few hearts nicely accent the whole picture. bunny’s fur looks Note how the bunny’s fur looks soft and textured because of the layering technique that Ann-Elizabeth used with the Chalkola markers. Chalkola Chalk Markers are famous for their brilliant colors and versatility.  Artists find that they can employ all sorts of brush and blending techniques to achieve beautiful effects.  There are very few art products that are as versatile and vivid as Chalkola Chalk Markers.

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