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Protect Yourself with Chalkola Premium Chalk Markers

  • 1 min read

Protect Yourself with Chalkola Premium Chalk Markers | Chalkola Art Supply

Supplies Required:

All you need is a:
  • Sketch pad
  • Pencil sketch
  • Chalkola Premium Chalk Markers

Step One

Maria Raczynska, a self-taught artist based in California, likes to share her creativity on YouTube.  She has her own channel so that those interested in art can watch her tutorials and demonstrations. self-taught artist

Step Two

Maria worried that by sharing her art on YouTube she was losing control of her intellectual property.  Unscrupulous people could pirate her videos or capture stills of her work and claim them for their own.  She needed to find a way to protect her art yet continue to share with those who enjoyed it. art on YouTube

Step Three

Chalkola Premium Chalk Markers were the perfect solution.  Maria found that if she used a Chalkola chalk marker to write her name in her workspace it would be very hard for someone to steal her material. Chalkola chalk marker

Step 4

Now Maria can enjoy making videos without having to worry about losing her intellectual property.  All it takes is a signature, a couple of minutes to make sure the marker is dry, and everyone can enjoy her beautiful creations. beautiful creation

Step 5

She usually starts with a pencil sketch to insure that her video goes smoothly with no errors. pencil sketch

Step 6

Maria fills in her sketch as the camera rolls and her viewers watch her creation emerge. creation emerge

Step 7

The finished rose looks so real that you can almost smell its soft, delicate petals. finished rose

Step 8

Who would ever have thought that Chalkola Premium Chalk Markers would be in the security business! Chalkola Premium Chalk Markers  

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