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How to Design a Christmas Cookie Recipe on a Chalkboard

  • 2 min read

Design a Christmas Cookie Recipe on a Chalkboard Using Chalk Markers | Chalkola Art Supply

Can you smell that? Christmas time is officially in the air again!
As we’re mostly spending our holidays indoors, amping up your decor to create a cozy and Christmas-y ambiance is a great way to kick off the season.
Of course, aside from all the decorating and designing, food is also a major part of the festivities–if not the most important one! So why not give your holiday baking and cooking a more colorful spin by creating eye-catching designs for your menus or recipes each time delicious food is about to be made?
This season, one thing we can’t get enough of is baking up a delightful batch of sweet Christmas cookies. And with that, designing the recipe on our Chalkola chalkboard using our favorite chalk markers has been our go-to routine each time. This simple and fun creative activity isn’t just to show your recipe, but to add excitement and anticipation in the house as well. The kids (or even the adults) won’t be able to stay away from the kitchen for sure once they see what’s on your board!
Aside from its aesthetically pleasing factor, having your recipe on display helps keep things in the kitchen smoother and more efficient. Instead of constantly checking your cook book or looking up the ingredients online, having everything on your chalkboard will make your baking time easier, faster, and most of all, more enjoyable and colorful!

Materials needed:

Without further ado, let’s start designing your Christmas cookie recipe by watching the easy-to-follow tutorial video we made below!
We hope you enjoyed doing this art activity with us. Happy creating and baking, and stay tuned for more holiday art ideas coming soon!

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